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Siemens Magnetom C 0.35T Open MRI Scanner

Siemens Magnetom C 0.35T Open MRI Machine

The Siemens Magnetom C 0.35T Open MRI Machine features a seamless workflow and low operating costs Siemens Magnetom C Overview The surprisingly powerful Siemens Magnetom C 0.35T Open MRI Machine features true multi channel-imaging with 4 element coils and 4 channels for faster head-to-toe scanning … Read more

Philips Panorama HFO Open MRI Scanner

Philips Panorama HFO Open MRI Machine

The Philips Panorama HFO Open MRI Machine is equipped with Solenoid Technology coils that provide more comfort for the patient Philips Panorama HFO Overview The Philips Panorama HFO Open MRI Machine appeals to both patients and referring physicians alike with it’s wide-open design, high image … Read more

Hitachi Airis Elite Open MRI Scanner

Hitachi Airis Elite Open MRI Machine

The Hitachi Airis Elite 0.3T Open MRI Machine features faster gradients, sequence capabilities, and the Scalable Dual Quad RF system Hitachi Airis Elite Overview The Hitachi Airis Elite Open MRI Machine combines the renowned reliability, cost-effectiveness and patient comfort of the AIRIS II with throughput … Read more

Hitachi Airis II Open MRI Scanner

Hitachi Airis II Open MRI Machine

The Hitachi Airis II Open MRI Machine is a low maintenance permanent magnet that provides quality and broad capability Hitachi Airis II Overview The Hitachi Airis II Open MRI Machine firmly established Hitachi’s reputation as the Open MR leader, equipped with a workhorse low maintenance … Read more

GE Signa Ovation Open MRI Scanner

GE Signa Ovation Open MRI Machine

The GE Signa Ovation Open MRI Machine is designed for patients who have difficulty tolerating the close quarters of conventional MR machines GE Signa Ovation Overview The GE Signa Ovation 0.35T MRI Machine is a state of the art, open MRI Machine system designed to … Read more

ONI MSK Extreme MRI Scanner

ONI MSK Extreme MRI Machine

The ONI MSK Extreme MRI Machine provides high image quality, fast scan times, robust pulse sequences for contrast-enhanced studies ONI MSK Extreme Overview The ONI MSK Extreme system provides state-of-the-art MRI Machine and services for dedicated MSK applications. Our unrivaled experience in MR enables us … Read more

Esaote E-Scan Extremity MRI Scanner

Esaote E-Scan Extremity MRI Machine

The Esaote E-scan extremity MRI Machine Its the most compact system for musculoskeletal joints imaging in the world Esaote E-Scan Overview The Esaote E-scan is a Extremity MRI Machine dedicated for imaging of the musculoskeletal joints such as the knee, calf, ankle, foot, hip, elbow, … Read more

Esaote S-Scan Extremity MRI Scanner

Esaote S-Scan Extremity MRI Machine

The Esaote S-scan extremity MRI Machine is for musculoskeletal work-load including foot to shoulders and spine segments Esaote S-Scan Overview Based on extensive customer feeback and years of engineering, the Esaote S-scan extremity MRI Machine was designed to be a sensible scanner for any practice … Read more

Esaote O-Scan Extremity MRI Scanner

Esaote O-Scan Extremity MRI Machine

The Esaote O-Scan extremity MRI Machine innovative design integrates a complete RF shielding in one unique structure Esaote O-Scan Overview The Esaote O-Scan Extremity MRI Machine takes account of the need for higher through-puts in Radiological settings and Orthopedic practices. It can easily work alongside … Read more

Philips Achieva XR 3.0T MRI Scanner

Philips Achieva XR 3.0T MRI Machine

The Philips Achieva XR 3.0T MRI Machine has matured and gained popularity, providing fast and reliable imaging for all anatomies Philips Achieva XR Overview The Philips Achieva XR 3.0T MRI Machine is a high-performance magnetic resonance imaging system designed for advanced clinical and research applications. … Read more

Philips Achieva X-Series 3.0T MRI Scanner

Philips Achieva X-Series 3.0T MRI Machine

Our Philips Achieva X-series 3.0T MRI Machine combines simple operation with fast scanning and superb image quality Philips Achieva X-series Overview The Philips Achieva X-Series is a powerful and patient friendly compact 3.0T MRI Machine with a wide and open short bore design with 50cm … Read more

Philips Intera 3.0T MRI Scanner

Philips Intera 3.0T MRI Machine

The Philips Intera 3.0T MRI Machine, is the first with a compact magnet, which is built on the same platform as the 1.5T Philips Intera Overview The Philips Intera high field system, the first with a compact magnet, which is built on the same platform … Read more


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