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Don’t Worry About the Bacteria

Unfortunately healthcare is not immune to bacteria, but don’t worry because it’s got a solution

When you hear the word bacteria the last thing you want to do is equate it anything regarding healthcare. When you think of the healthcare environment you think of a nice sterile environment that will provide you with a feeling of safety amidst the possible chaos you may be facing in your life. So, are bacteria a legitimate worry in healthcare? Yes they are. Unfortunately healthcare is not immune to bacteria, but don’t worry because it’s got a solution.

In diagnostic imaging bacteria on work stations is a concern as well. It’s not something that should surprise anyone; after all, a lot of patients go in and out. So where are the bacteria more likely to appear? The bacteria are not where the patients are at but rather in the computer mice, and microphones. Yes you will always have bacteria in door knobs, especially when going to the bathrooms.

While it’s not realistic to expect any setting to be 100 percent bacteria free, it’s understandable to want a super clean environment. What helps the bacteria problem is a simple solution, the solution is disinfectant wipes. Disinfectant wipes help take out the majority of the bacteria. A recent study stated that “”Given the potential for microbial transmission to patients and staff members, radiologists are encouraged to implement hand hygiene practices and regularly use simple workstation disinfection techniques,” meaning that being clean is incredibly important.

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While this may seem a relatively unimportant situation it does matter to patients. When it comes to diagnostic imaging equipment such as the MRICT Scanner, and X-Rays the concern is not as great because the equipment is always in sterile condition down to the last detail. The word bacteria is not appealing in any form, often times it can mean something life threatening and sometimes it can be something less than life threatening and relatively uncommon.

If you have any questions with regards to diagnostic imaging procedures or equipment please feel to call us. We look forward to taking your calls and answering any questions that you may have.

Bobby Serros




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