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Healthcare Communication Trends to Expect in 2013

Medical conditions such as breast cancer and Alzheimer’s will continue to be a hot topic especially in fighting the diseases

2012 was certainly a memorable year for healthcare, particularly with the new Affordable Care Act (ACA) coming into effect. Though we cannot guarantee what Obamacare holds for the future, we do see a spark of optimism in the new era with promising new medical devices, safe and effective surgery/treatments, and the development of new drugs designed to help save patients lives. These are improvements that are bound to change the course of medicine.
On other fronts in the medical industry, communication and new technologies are certainly emerging – putting more power in the hands of patients. With these new developments, healthcare communication and technology holds some key trends for us in 2013.

2013 will be a year of major campaigning ranging from new pharmaceuticals and disease awareness campaigns to educational campaigns such as the changes in healthcare including insurance, costs, and reimbursements. Engaging patients to prioritize their own health care through various communication vehicles will be key for health care PR professionals in 2013.

Senior Care
As patients age, their susceptibility to life-threatening disease grows as well. Medical conditions such as breast cancer and Alzheimer’s will continue to be a hot topic especially in fighting the diseases. Those working on new diagnosis and treatment options will be raising awareness on their brand, the value of early diagnosis, care programs, and , most importantly, matching the sickness with the right drugs/ treatments.

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Health in the Palm of Your Hand
Aside from fitting perfectly in their lab coat, doctors have found smartphones and tablets to be extremely useful for medical purposes. Now, patients are also using mobile devices to access health information and manage their own health as well. The FDA has cleared a number of apps that can, for example, allow radiologists to read medical images or help patients track their moles for signs of skin cancer. These apps are aimed to avoid unnecessary doctor visits, while also helping keep health costs under control. Mobile devices are expected to play an active role in preventative care, coordination, and post discharge, making a mobile strategy an essential part of any healthcare communication planning in 2013 and years to follow.
With ongoing advancements in the healthcare industry, Amber Diagnostics continues to fulfill our mission by providing the highest quality radiology equipment and diagnostic interpretation for every individual with the intention to save a life everyday. We provide hospitals and imaging centers with quality, affordable used and refurbished medical equipment including MRI systemsCT scannersRad Rooms, and much more. Feel free to contact me anytime if you would like to buy or sell us your hospital equipment.

Posted by:

Bobby Serros




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