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OEC 9600 vs. OEC 9800 C-Arm

When it comes to the OEC 9800 and the OEC 9600 C-Arms, a lot of buyers might have trouble deciding which one to choose When it comes to the OEC 9800 and the OEC 9600 C-Arm, a lot of buyers might have trouble deciding which … Read more

Full Size OEC C-Arm

Amber’s skilled C-Arm expert is here to talk about your specific needs, procedures, and patient applications I’m glad to see you’re browsing Amber’s selection of OEC C-Arms. Thank you for taking the time to look through our inventory. Did you know that Amber Diagnostics has … Read more

Mini C-Arm Main Video

We bring 30+ years of experience to the process of buying, selling and servicing your Mini C-Arm Thank you for taking the time to look through our inventory of Mini C-Arms. Throughout Amber’s web site you will see a variety of different Mini C-Arms. Just … Read more

C-Arm Main Video

Since 1993 no one is more experienced and equipped to handle, process, and deliver your C-Arm It looks like you might be interested in one of Amber’s C-Arms. You’ve definitely made the right decision to visit Amber’s web site. Amber has been providing quality pre-owned and … Read more

What is a C-Arm?

The C-Arm is commonly used for intraoperative imaging and in the fields of orthopedics, traumatology, vascular surgery, and cardiology You may know the C-Arm as an imaging device that uses X-Ray technology and has a C shape, making it able to be used flexibly in … Read more

c-arm scanner

C-Arm Scanner Comparison Chart: Philips Pulsera vs. Endura

They provide greater tools that allow the expert many opportunities to perform extensive studies We have witnessed large growth within the C-Arm industry. They provide greater tools that allow the expert many opportunities to perform extensive studies. However all equipment is not created equal. Below … Read more


Top 5 C-Arm Articles

Whether you are buying or selling a C-Arm machine, these are our five top articles to help you The C-Arm is an overhead x-ray image intensifier that provides real-time, detailed viewing of anatomic structures using fluoroscopic dyes. The system is a non-invasive device that does not enter the … Read more

Resources for Radiology Regulations

Resources for Radiology Regulations

Whether your C-Arm unit will be moving or remain stationary. It is a good idea to have a physicist evaluate your site As you purchase your next C-Arm, the question of radiology regulations for lead shielding may arise. To know what type of shielding is … Read more


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