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Philips Achieva XR 1.5T MRI Machine

The Philips Achieva XR 1.5T MRI Machine is equipped with proven X-series technology that provides high resolution at maximum speed

Philips Achieva XR 1.5T MRI Machine

Philips Achieva XR Overview

The Philips Achieva XR by Philips is the only 1.5T MRI Machine that can be upgraded to a 3.0T without swapping the magnet. This allows a clinic or hospital to install an advanced 1.5T system for use today and providing the flexibility to transition into a 3.0T MRI system in the future. This MRI system also provides physicians a simple way to transition to 3.0T that makes economic sense. It is more cost effective and efficient than a traditional “forklift” upgrade, which requires system down time, possible construction and the “heavy lifting” associated with room reconfigurations to install a new magnet, power system and gradients.


Superb 1.5T clinical solution: High resolution at maximum speed to cover advanced applications.

High residual value with Achieva 3T X-series components such as magnet and gradients.

SmartExam: One click for consistent and reproducible MRI exams. Automated planning, scanning and processing enhances ease of use, workflow and consistency. Available for Brain, Spine, Knee, Shoulder and Breast*.

Advanced applications: Body Diffusion (DWIBS), non-contrast perfusion (ASL), DTI & fiber tracking and Cardiac.

Advanced functionality: SENSE parallel imaging for up to 16 times acceleration powering 4D Dynamic MRA techniques & ultra high resolution imaging (2048 Matrix).

Easy and economic transition to 3T: avoids typical downtime, construction and operational costs.

Easy, advanced viewing & processing tools.

  • Field Strength: 1.5T, upgradeable to 3T
  • Magnet length: 157 cm
  • Tunnel length: 60 cm
  • Weight: 4,500 kg
  • Helium consumption: zero boil-off.
  • High-linearity quasar gradients max 40 mT/m, 120 mT/m/ms
  • Field Of View: 50 cm.
  • Force balanced design: providing reduced vibration and reduced acoustic noise.