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GE Discovery MI 128 Slice PET/CT Scanner

The GE Discovery MI 128 Slice PET/CT Scanner is designed for diagnostic purposes, aiding in the detection of various diseases

GE Discovery MI 128 Slice PET/CT Scanner

GE Discovery MI Overview

The GE Discovery MI 128 Slice PET/CT Scanner is an advanced hybrid imaging system that integrates state-of-the-art positron emission tomography (PET) with high-resolution 128-slice computed tomography (CT). This system is designed to provide exceptional image quality and enhanced diagnostic accuracy by combining detailed anatomical imaging from the CT component with advanced PET technology for functional and metabolic imaging. The Discovery MI is widely used in various clinical applications, including oncology, cardiology, and neurology, offering comprehensive diagnostic insights.

The GE Discovery MI is a cutting-edge imaging solution that combines the latest advancements in PET and CT technology to deliver superior image quality and enhanced diagnostic accuracy. Its high-resolution imaging capabilities, efficient workflow, and patient-centric design make it an invaluable tool for a variety of clinical applications.


Enhanced Diagnostic Accuracy: Combines high-resolution anatomical and advanced PET imaging for precise and comprehensive diagnoses.

Superior Image Quality: Utilizes innovative PET technology and 128-slice CT to deliver clear, detailed images.

Efficient Workflow: Streamlined operations and fast scanning capabilities enhance productivity and reduce patient wait times.

Improved Patient Comfort: Designed to minimize scan times and enhance overall patient experience.

Versatile Clinical Applications: Suitable for a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic applications, providing versatility in clinical practice.


128-Slice CT Scanner: Provides high-resolution anatomical images with fast acquisition times for detailed visualization.

Advanced PET Technology: High sensitivity and specificity for functional and metabolic imaging, utilizing digital detector technology.

Q.Clear Technology: Provides quantitative PET imaging, improving image quality and lesion detectability.

Time-of-Flight (TOF) Technology: Enhances PET image quality by improving signal-to-noise ratio, resulting in clearer images.

Fast Scanning and Reconstruction: Quick scan times and rapid image reconstruction to minimize patient wait times.

Patient-Friendly Design: Comfortable patient table and reduced scan times to enhance the patient experience.

Integrated Imaging Workflows: Seamlessly integrates with existing clinical workflows and data management systems for efficient operation.

Flexible Imaging Protocols: Supports a variety of imaging protocols to meet specific clinical needs and applications.

Low Dose Imaging: Incorporates technologies to optimize and minimize radiation dose, ensuring patient safety.