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GE Discovery ST 16 Slice PET/CT Scanner

The GE Discovery ST 16 Slice PET/CT Scanner is a machine with high resolution image quality as well as 3D imaging capability

GE Discovery ST 16 Slice PET/CT Scanner

GE Discovery ST Overview

The GE Discovery ST 16 Slice PET/CT Scanner is a cutting-edge medical imaging system that combines the anatomical detail of a 16-slice computed tomography (CT) scanner with the metabolic and functional information provided by positron emission tomography (PET). This hybrid imaging technology is used extensively in oncology, cardiology, and neurology for accurate diagnosis, staging, and monitoring of various diseases.

The GE Discovery ST 16 Slice PET/CT Scanner represents a significant advancement in medical imaging technology, providing a powerful tool for clinicians to diagnose, stage, and monitor various diseases with greater precision and confidence. Its comprehensive imaging capabilities, patient-friendly design, and advanced features make it an invaluable asset in modern healthcare, enhancing both patient outcomes and operational efficiency.


Comprehensive Imaging: By merging PET and CT imaging, this system provides detailed anatomical and functional information in a single scan, enhancing diagnostic accuracy.

Improved Diagnostic Confidence: The combination of metabolic and structural imaging improves the ability to detect and characterize tumors, cardiac conditions, and neurological disorders.

Patient Convenience: Performing both PET and CT scans in a single session reduces the need for multiple appointments and scans, increasing patient comfort and compliance.

Enhanced Treatment Planning: The precise imaging data aids in more accurate radiation therapy planning and assessment of treatment response.

Reduced Scan Times: With advanced technology and 16-slice capability, the scanner performs faster scans, reducing patient time in the machine and improving workflow efficiency.


16-Slice CT Scanner: Provides high-resolution anatomical imaging, enabling detailed visualization of tissues and structures.

High-Sensitivity PET Detector: Captures metabolic activity with high sensitivity and accuracy, essential for detecting abnormal cellular processes.

Integrated System: Seamless combination of PET and CT scans for synchronized imaging and improved diagnostic interpretation.

Advanced Imaging Software: Offers sophisticated tools for image reconstruction, fusion, and analysis, supporting better diagnostic and treatment decisions.

Patient-Centric Design: Ergonomically designed for patient comfort, featuring a wide bore and short scan times to reduce patient anxiety and improve experience.