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GE Optima 560 16 Slice PET/CT Scanner

The GE Optima 560 16 Slice PET/CT Scanner is designed for diagnostic purposes, aiding in the detection of various diseases.

GE Optima 560 16 Slice PET/CT Scanner

GE Optima 560 Overview

The GE Optima 560 16 Slice PET/CT Scanner is a hybrid imaging system that combines Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Computed Tomography (CT) technologies. This integration allows for the simultaneous capture of both metabolic and anatomical information in a single scan, providing comprehensive diagnostic capabilities. The scanner is designed to enhance clinical performance in oncology, neurology, and cardiology, offering high-resolution images and accurate quantification of disease processes.

The GE Optima 560 stands out as a powerful tool in modern medical imaging, merging the strengths of PET and CT technologies to provide comprehensive diagnostic insights. Its advanced features and benefits not only improve diagnostic accuracy and patient care but also enhance operational efficiency in clinical settings. The system’s ability to deliver high-resolution images, coupled with quantitative imaging capabilities, makes it an invaluable asset for healthcare providers focused on oncology, cardiology, and neurology.


Improved Diagnostic Accuracy: The combination of PET and CT provides more detailed and accurate imaging, allowing for better disease characterization, staging, and treatment planning.

Patient Comfort and Convenience: The ability to perform PET and CT scans simultaneously reduces the need for multiple appointments and minimizes patient movement, leading to a more comfortable experience.

Efficient Workflow: The integrated system streamlines the imaging process, reducing scan times and increasing throughput in clinical settings.

Advanced Image Quality: High-resolution imaging capabilities enhance the ability to detect small lesions and subtle abnormalities, improving early diagnosis and monitoring of diseases.

Quantitative Imaging: Advanced software tools provide precise quantification of metabolic activity, aiding in the assessment of treatment response and disease progression.


High-Resolution Imaging: The system offers advanced detectors and image reconstruction technologies that produce high-quality images with fine detail.

Hybrid Imaging Capability: Simultaneous PET/CT imaging allows for comprehensive assessments in a single session.

Automated Workflow: The system includes automated features that optimize scanning protocols and enhance operational efficiency.

Adaptive Dose Technology: The scanner is equipped with dose-reduction technologies to ensure patient safety while maintaining image quality.

Versatile Applications: Suitable for a wide range of clinical applications including oncology, cardiology, and neurology.

User-Friendly Interface: The system is designed with an intuitive interface, making it easier for operators to manage and conduct scans.

Advanced Software Tools: Includes sophisticated software for image processing, analysis, and reporting, facilitating better clinical decision-making.